Monday, August 09, 2010

::Lantern Party 2010::

antern Party time again! Man, I love this tradition. This year I brought it all inside. Until our porch is more tightly screened-in I no longer want to contend with bugs. Thankfully, our eating nook is the perfect second option. Very cozy. . .

The kids thought so too. . .

I decided on these recipes this year:

::Gruyere Thumbprints::
I made these, courtesy of Martha Stewart. They just looked pretty. I loved them! They reminded me of Yorkshire puddings stuffed with cheese. How could that be bad, right? However, as has proven the difficulty with an appetizer party, they were at their best when first baked...

::Chilled Grape Cups with Lemon Cream::
I mashed together a few recipes to come up with these. Martha Stewart described how to make ::Grape Cups:: And showed me how to make the ::Lemon Cream:: Together they are a delicious, chilly treat! {Too bad the girls missed out on these, as they were forgotten in the freezer!}

::Homemade Hot Chocolate::
This was something I knew would be appreciated by my sister in particular.

The girls trickled in around 7:30-- one sister after another, some carrying very precious cargo:

This year we filled up a bag with notes of love and encouragement to one another. At the end of the evening, when all the girls had gone home, I sat among my lanterns and quietly read them one by one. Beautiful, beautiful words. Tears of gratitude for the ties that bind women in Christ. I am so deeply blessed.