Monday, May 02, 2011

::Coffee. Even when the lights go out::

Last week, a wind storm, unlike anything I have ever experienced, blew through town. Our neighbours had a window ripped off! A barn down the road, simply grew tired of standing and slumped onto itself, leaving only a peaked roof. Our little house, along with all of our lovely trees stood firm. Thank you God! And life went on. I gathered candles and lanterns, and set about placing them strategically throughout the house. Our propane stove cooked our dinner. And my ingenious husband found a way for us to have our treasured afternoon cup of coffee. He filled our grinder with beans and headed out to the car where he used the power adapter to fuel the little machine. He came in and "brewed" our coffee over a thermos using boiled water, a funnel and a filter. Ta da! Blow wind! Blow!