Sunday, March 02, 2008

Baby break...

The next time I write, I will be one child richer. As sober as I am about the pain I am about to endure, I can't help but be overwhelmingly excited. If we are organized enough, Aidan will post in a couple of days time so you can be introduced to our baby boy.
My love to you all.
Thank You for following along, and covering over our family in prayer. The blessings of this blogging endeavor have been rooted in the ways I have been able to share the minor and major episodes of my life. In return, I have received encouragement and love and some good laughs.

Prayer Requests:
*Safe delivery of baby-- Each delivery had had some minor complication so far. I'd rather this one be a gold star delivery.
*Smooth recovery for me-- It hurts so much!
*Understanding for my confused children-- Gabriel may be very upset and resentful by the end of this week.
*No weather complications: A Storm Watch has been issued--freezing rain and snow etc. I need to make it to the hospital. The surgeon needs to make it to the hospital.

Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.