Wednesday, December 15, 2010

::Nativity Play 2010::

Nativity 2010.
Our little crew represented the following Biblical characters in this year's Play: Joseph, Mary, one doorkeeper, one teacher-of-the-law, one sheep and one tiny angel. Taking the extended family into account: Another sheep, and the Nativity Play director herself! The tinkling sound outside our window that morning warned us of freezing rain. An icy coating covered the everything. But we comprised roughly 30% of the cast members. We were bound and determined to make it to church. The show must go on!

Gabriel was given one line; "No! Go away!" He delivered it with great timidity.

Our former Joseph was a hammy kid named Kungu. He had to leave for Africa, leaving no other kids free to take the part. Aidan kindly stepped in, though Caelah thought it was super gross that she had to listen to her Dad say; "My wife is about to have a baby." Ew!

We had a very grumpy angel on our hands. Annorah refused to wear her halo. And she wouldn't allow any of the older angels to carry onto the stage. So she posted herself on the steps, and shed her little angel glow upon the manger from a distance. In fact, Norah was quite fixated on the manger, as it contained a baby she was eager to hold.

Our sheep duo chilled out on stage. What else is a sheep to do?

Dad hammed it up, as per usual--Fiddler accent and all. Meanwhile, Connor acted with subtlety, as befits a king.

The play finished off with an unexpected solo: our pastor's grandson broke out with a husky rendition of "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer." Everyone hushed right down and listened to his small voice, then burst into uproarious applause.