Friday, June 02, 2006

Country Neighbours Revisited: Sometimes they tell on you...

Just In: Sometimes, when you build a raging bon fire with flames that lick upwards of twenty feet, you get told on. Yesterday evening, while visiting another country home, we found out the hard way that for every ten neighbours who look out for your best interests, one is bound to be looking a little too closely. And it's not with your best interests in mind. There is a term for people like this: busy-bodies.

A group of us had congregated for an end-of-the-year Bible Study send-off. A grill, a porch swing, a frisbee, soft grass, a zillion bugs: good fun.

Then came the fire. Well, fire(s). The first was humbly build near the driveway, giving off a toasty glow. With beer and marshmellows in hand, we gathered 'round and settled in for a good time of sharing our feelings. But some among our group just couldn't help but notice the very large pile of dry wood piled high in the far corner of the yard. It seemed to beckon them. Taunting them: That's no fire! Light ME up! So they did.

Hot.Very. I felt like I was being slowly cooked alive. I'm sure the cop who came up the drive shortly thereafter felt the it's warmth. He gave the host of the party a verbal hand-slapping in highly officious tones, and warned that the fire brigade was on it's way. As it turns out, a neighbour, or passer-by, was "concerned" about the fire, and made the call. Maybe they really did think the house was on fire, and I am being a bit cynical. It's just that the house is visible from the road, and perhaps a quick peek in the yard would have been appropriate before making the call . . . they would have been greeted by some docile RP's drinking beer, and a 3-year old eating marshmellows. Anyways, no fines. Just a good story. And a GOOD fire.

Oh, and a funny little exchange to share:
Cop: "So, really, what is the occasion?"
Host:"Oh, we are just having an end-of-the-year bible study barbeque."
Cop: "A bible study? And you're drinking beer?"
Host: "Ya, we're ok with that sort of thing. . . and we're Dutch."