Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Creativity: Rooftops of Prague

LANTERNS. I believe I have found my artisitic sweet spot. The realm of lanterns is where I am happy to dally, perhaps permanently. I have sketched, painted, done mosaics, sculpted . . . but nothing has held my attention as long as the art of lantern making. Light and silhouette are such beautiful things. And I get to manipulate both so uniquely.

The story behind my latest is simply that I fell inlove with a city from a distance. My parents enjoyed a return trip to Prague a month ago, and while they were away I began work on this lantern. How could the City of One Hundred Spires not evoke inspiration?

I looked up many many photos of the various spired structures in the city. Some were too simple. Some were far too complicated. Others were just right.

I drew my favourites.
I cut them out with as much detail as I dared. (Going too far leads to rips and tears.) I then painted them black with India Ink.

Next: Colour and mood. We have all heard about the power light has to affect our mood. Warm and cold ends of the spectrums. Soft blending versus bold contrast. . . The colours I choose, decide how the light will filter through, and changes the whole tone of the lantern. I wanted a sunrise. It seemed a challenge. The boldness of dusky oranges and reds would take away from all of the detail of the rooftops. And I wanted the light to be calming.

I finished it -- and then I gave it away to someone I love who is leaving me for awhile. I know she'll appreciate the ability to call up a sunrise with the strike of a match whenever she needs one.