Entertainment: What music do you currently listen to? Why do you prefer this genre? What kind of TV shows do you watch? What do you love about them? Do you have a favorite movie that you have really enjoyed watching this year? Game? Pastime?
Music. The only thing I listen to these days is CHRI--our local Christian station. Or Mozart, as he is our feature composer this term. My choice to listen to Christian radio has
very little to do with personal taste in music, and everything to do with how intently my kids listen. I used to have CBC radio on all the time. But the content has gotten more and more disturbing. When Caelah finally said; "
I don't want to listen to this anymore. I don't want to hear about more people dying, " I tuned out for good. I must admit, however, that there are a few occasions where the Christian music has been
so schmaltzy and syrupy that I had to shut it off. And I do a happy dance when I hear a good, heavy rock song by a Christian band I love--namely, NeedtoBreathe. Bobbing my head, I think to myself ; "
See mom? Christians can rock-out too!"
Books. I used to find lots of time to read. In fact,
I used to find too much time to read. I would completely shut out the noise and blink off my peripheral vision, focusing in a way I only wish I could apply to other areas of my life.
When I do read these days, the books must:
A. Really spark my kids' interest. My boys will only stay still if a book really
wows their eyes and ears.
B. It must feed my soul. As much as I miss my princesses and far-off lands,
I must chose between whimsy or heart-food.

Shows. We don't watch much around here. No time. For example. Aidan and I began to watch "Lion, Witch & the Wardrobe" three weeks ago." We have only just met Aslan. . . However, the only show we make time for here and there is Top chef. Mmmmmm. Pretty Food.
Games. We are big game players 'round here. Three games have captured our attention this year. Two of the three can be played with the kids-- although that is a very sacrificial endeavor, on our part. They are all
incredibly competitive children. (Hmmm. Where did that come from?) And they take great liberties with the "rules."

Outside. Ski! Caelah and I have become members of our local Cross-Country ski club. She now has her own skis and straps them on at all times of the day. I have been so impressed by her natural athleticism. Skating season has started. Aidan and Anthony have big hopes of flooding the river behind our place. Lots of work, but
utterly magical if they manage. I dis, however, take note of the snow-mobile tracks on the river. Do those things have good brakes?